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Attention Span
Our minds have undergone a fundamental shift in how they work in the digital age. This book presents two decades of research on the science of attention, why we are so distracted, and how we can restore balance, happiness and productivity in our lives.
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About Gloria
Gloria Mark is Chancellor’s Professor of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine. She received her PhD from Columbia University in psychology and studies the impact of digital media on people’s lives. She takes a deep dive in examining multitasking, interruptions, and mood with the use of digital devices. She has published over 200 articles, and in 2017 was inducted into the ACM SIGCHI Academy which recognizes leaders in the field of human-computer interaction. She has presented her work at SXSW and the Aspen Ideas Festival, and her research has appeared in the popular media, e.g. New York Times, Wall Street Journal, NPR, CNN, The Guardian, the Dax Shepard show, the Dave Asprey show, and many others.

Our attention span averages 47 seconds on a screen, and it is shrinking.